On the cusp of a New Year, it is time to stop and reflect for a moment. At work we have talked about how we never could have predicted what 2011 would bring to World Wide Village and the people of Haiti. In my personal life, I never could have predicted what 2011 would bring either!
1) As I sit and type this, I am 6 months pregnant with Dahmon's and my first child...a boy whose name will be Drexel (haven't determined a middle name yet, though we have something that might work). A boy who has everyone very excited even though his presence was just a bit unplanned. =) A boy who has already given us a couple of scares through an "interesting" early pregnancy.
2) My brother has gotten married to a lovely young lady named Serena in a beautiful ceremony in Palmer, Alaska.
3) We moved...again - this time to Minneapolis, a city that I never thought I would live in. Next August we will move...again (can you tell I hate moving? Fifteen years in the same place to moving every year. yesh.), this time in with Dahmon's parents until we have to move the next year for Dahmon's internship year in seminary.
4) I only have one semester left in a graduate school degree that God definitely plunked me into. Now, I'd love to plan out what this means for the next 10 years, but it is also my experience that any time we have a 5-year plan figured out, or even a 3-year plan, God brings Dahmon and I into something different than expected (latest example: Drexel).
5) A bunch of people have come into my life via professional and personal ways that I have been completely honored to know and work with on various levels (at WWV, as a part of my modeling/acting career, church, Antioch, etc).
A lot of other things have happened, but I can't list them all. God has been good (though isn't he always?), and I've had a lot of opportunities to see and experience his goodness in a lot of areas (ask me about what's been going on in Haiti). 2012 is going to be another eventful year, especially with Drexel being born in March/April, and it will be interesting. :)
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